"Get out of your digital box" at UX Crunch
I am on a mission to bring the power of connected disciplines into design, research and team management. Being trained in the Arts (BA) and Product Service Systems Design (MSc) is a combination that enables me to make any project, no matter the size, my playground by creating new methods, tools and approaches that frequently challenge existing structures and the status quo.
Over the last 11 years, I have worked both client and agency side and have led and successfully delivered (digital) experiences for companies like VISA, Lloyds, TSB, SKY, Aviva, VSO, GSK and British Airways.
I currently lead the Experience design team at Radley Yeldar, my role being to connect the company from within, driving experience excellence and strategy.
When not at work, I collaborate with a few UK universities, mentor at Global Service Jam, speak at conferences and blog about the connections between literature, art and design here.